Since 1982
Dra. María Orquín
Dr. José López
Dra. Laura Del Río
Dra. María Ferrer
Alicante 965 215 300
Finestrat 965 869 686
No-one will know you are wearing braces!! Lingual braces are fixed to the back of the teeth, making them invisible. Novasmile has the Incognito Certification in Lingual Orthodontics, and therefore we may offer you lingual orthodontics of the highest quality.
The lingual brackets (braces behind the teeth) we use at Novasmile are customised for each of our patients. We send moulds of your mouth to the dental laboratory that specialises in lingual orthodontics, where they use a computer-operated 3D technique to design individualised lingual brackets just for you.
Alicante (frente a El Corte Inglés) Avda. Federico Soto, 4, 1ª planta 03001 T. 965 215 300 - 695 490 290 | Finestrat (frente C.C. La Marina) Avda. Pais Valencià, 7 03509 Edificio Comercial Terramar T. 965 869 686
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